Welcome to Yeti Journals
We’re independent media. That means no fat cats own us and we say what we want to say.
Or, more precisely, we say what you want to say—we’re grassroots, created by, for, and of the people who read us.
We love to write and share because it’s our passion…and we expect that to be your passion as well. We share you, you share us, everyone benefits: it’s a win-win-win.
And so, while we can’t pay for you to say what you want to say, you’ll be gaining good clips, publicity, Twitter and Facebook followers, Google renown, and some good karma.
Write, It’s simple, but not easy. Open your voice up, and your heart shall follow, and you may find your experience is of service to the greater good.
We’re about “mindfulness”—yoga, organics, erotica, sustainability, conscious consumerism, active citizenship, ecofashion, the arts, non-new agey spirituality, adventure, erotica, enlightened education—anything that helps us to live a good life that also happens to be good for others, and our planet.
Yeti Journals should be upper-case and italicized.
- Start a new sentence only one space after a period, not two.
- M Dashes are “—,” not “- -.” (for a Mac: option+shift+ – dash) (for a PC: three short dashes in row (—) with no spaces between dashes and no space between the two words on either end of the M Dash)
- Any number over nine is written numerically: 10, four, 32, 108, nine years, 10 apples. (Unless it is the first word in a sentence: Eighty years ago.)
- Please use the oxford comma. (The comma after the last item in a list and before the “and” or “or.”)
- Indent using the block quote button in the toolbar, rather than only italicizing long quotes (from scripture, for example) within articles.
- Do not credit a quote by placing the person’s name at the end of the quote with a dash before it. Use a ~ and keep the name in the same paragraph as the quote.
- Put a period at the end of every title in the title.
- Credit a photo like this: Photo: [name] (Again, make sure to use non-copyrighted images you own or found through photo sharing sites like Unsplash, Flickr Creative Commons, or Wikimedia.)
- Always italicize and explain first use of foreign words. Exp: “It’s a difficult asana (yoga pose).” Exp: “It’s a difficult asana, or yoga pose.” Exceptions: if in common usage (yoga, karma, Buddha, etc.).
- Vocabulary: in order to spread the good word beyond the close community, from the choir to the masses, make sure new terms are linked back to Yeti articles, or if an Yeti article on the topic does not show up in your search, link to a site that you find by doing a google search. Linking yoga terms or Buddhist vocabulary to Yeti articles, for example, will be easy to do. The link does not have to define the term, but can portray the meaning of it through articles telling a story involving, say VIpasana. Just remember—you can’t assume that everyone knows what you’re talking about!
- Linking to old blogs is like turning compost—it gives air to old stuff and helps keep it alive in the googlesphere, which helps all of us.
- Do not put words in ALL CAPS or bold for emphasis, please italicize. We hate ALL CAPS, we really do.
- Spell out the word “and” in the article. Do not use &.
- Screamin should be screamin’…any slang like that, put an apostrophe on the end. (editor uses that a lot, ’cause he’s always talkin’ like a cowboy.)
- Online, it’s best to break up long paragraphs. It makes longer posts easier on the eye and less intimidating.
- Always include a subtitle (makes your post more searchable on google).
- Read up on libel—we take this seriously, and you should too.
Read up on plagiarism—we take this seriously, too.
SPJ defines plagiarism here.
From CJR: “I’m not sure we have a strict operational definition of plagiarism at Slate,” he added in an email to CJR. “To me, plagiarism involves not just using someone else’s research or ideas without credit, but also taking passages of prose and distinctive language.”
Hiatt cited a similar definition in an email, calling plagiarism “the practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own.”
We’d like submissions to be free of typos and grammatical errors. Please proofread your article before submission.
So we’re not asking writers to be perfect. But we’re asking them to care. To read their work more than once when submitting. To check in with a friend. To give it their all.
Thanks for your help.
You can blog about anything that falls under “mindfulness”—living a good life that happens to be good for others, and our planet. More specifically (but not limited to), we generally focus on yoga, organics, non-new-agey spirituality, active citizenry, sustainability, adventure, conscious consumerism, wellness, and the arts. Basically, good blog material is any article and video you find yourself getting emailed by friends, or stumble across on the internet, or any new products that you discover—anything interesting enough to chat about to a friend at a café or bring up over dinner.
~Once you’ve written your post, you’ll want to make sure that people actually read it. Go through How to Attract Readers to Your Blog—we highly recommend that you take a look!